Infertility Specialists in Faisalabad
Infertility is a condition when after trying unguarded sex for one year or more, you cannot get pregnant or even if you get pregnant, pregnancy cannot be sustained to full term. It is still stigmatized as a failure on the part of the female partner, but males are responsible for infertility too. So, only female partners should not be blamed or criticized. Instead, infertile couples should escape from this blame game and by becoming more rational and practical should consult an infertility specialist in Faisalabad.

Infertility can Cause Anxiety and Depression
All the couples are having babies who were married the same time you married, but you are stuck. You are not worthy maybe that’s why are not being blessed with a baby yet. These are the most common thoughts that infertile couples have. They cannot attend gatherings because people will ask them why there is a delay or relatives will become meaningful to them. They will slowly lose their confidence, and their inner strength and this will lead them to depression and anxiety which make things worse as this will cause their hormones to work against their chance of being pregnant. Australian Concept Faisalabad medical center has infertility specialists who can help you out when you are dealing with stress and depression and no one is there for you.
Causes of Infertility
Following are some causes of infertility:
- Hormonal imbalance
- Ovulation problems in females
- Absence of uterus
- Quality of egg is poor
- Partially or completely blocked fallopian tubes
- PCOS is commonly known as Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome
- Ejaculation problems in males
- Quality of semen is low
- Low sperm count
Faisalabad Infertility Specialists also Educate You
Your infertility specialist will alarm you about conditions that will make you one step closer to become infertile and by changing them, you can save yourself from this nightmare that causes many to lose their sleep and appetite. Some of these alarming signs are given below:
- poor lifestyle
- being overage
- being overweight or underweight
- smoking and alcohol
- excessive use of certain medicine
- excessive contact with environmental hazards
- damage to the private parts of the males
Treatments of Infertility
There are many treatments of infertility available about which you will be informed by the doctor. Firstly, the root of infertility needs to be determined. For this, the doctor will run some tests on the couple. If the problem can be tackled by some fertility medications, you will be put on these medications which may include ovulation inductions and medications for improving semen quality. But if medications cannot make it to the desired results, Assisted Reproductive technologies which include IVF and ICSI are used. ART is an advancement in the treatment of infertility because it has now become a global issue. You should visit and consult an Infertility specialist in Faisalabad if you are reluctant to go on your IVF and ICSI journey because of the expertise the specialist has in this field.